Alexander Kamakaev EFIAP/b Member of Union of Photo Artists of Russia since 2003. "Who's Who in Photography" list of the Photographic Society of America (PSA) since 2009. Artist FIAP (AFIAP) in 2011. Excellence FIAP (EFIAP) in 2012. Excellence FIAP bronze (EFIAP/b) in 2014. 13 personal exhibitions, arts displayed in 46 countries.
AWARDS: 2001 - Ukraine, Kiev, 1st contest of digital photography «OLYMPUS-PhotoWare», first prize in the category «Landscape» 2008 - Ukraine, Lviv, III International Salon of Art Photography «With love to Women», Gold Medal 2009 - Russia, Moscow, «Golden Turtle-2008", the first prize in the category «Art of Nature» 2011 - Finland, Helsinki, «3rd Finland International Digital Circuit», Silver Medal, FIAP Bronze Medal - Argentina, Buenos Aires, «Salon Internacional Federacion Argentina de Fotografia», FAF Gold Medal 2012 - Germany, Filderstadt, «German International DVF-Photocup», PSA Bronze Medal - Russia, Moscow, "Russian Week of Photography", 1st prize in the category «Fashion», 1st prize in the category «Landscapes», 3rd prize in the category «Fashion», 3rd prize in the category «Landscapes», 3rd prize in the category of «Water», 3rd prize in the category of «Childhood» - Norway, Bodø, «2nd Arctic Exhibition of Photographic Art», Bronze Medal - Italy, the Arno, «16° Gran Tour delle Colline» - 30° Trofeo Arno, FIAP Silver Medal - Serbia, Zajecar, «1st International Circular Exhibition of Photography «Art Photo», Gold Medal - United Kingdom, London, «Black & White Spider Awards», 3rd prize in the category «Fashion» - Spain, Palma de Mallorca, the «3°Spanish Andorran Iberoamerican Digital Circuit», PSA Gold Medal - Serbia, Bolevats, «1st international circular exhibition "Photography 2012», Silver Medal 2013 - Serbie, Belgrade, «116 Belgrade Photo International Salon 2013», FIAP Gold Medal, UPI Gold Medal - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, «Berega 2013", Bronze Medal 2014 - Serbia, Kula, 1st International Salon of Photography "My Favourite Photos 2014", Bronze Medal - Norway, Bodø, «4th Arctic Exhibition of Photographic Art», NSFF Gold medal best nude, UPI Gold Medal - Russia, Moscow, "Russian Week of Photography", 1st and 2nd prizes in the category «ART» - Bosnia Herzegovina, Bijeljina, «DPW Three Country Grand Circuit in 2014», AUFBIH Gold medal, SALON Bronze medal - Bulgaria, Vidin, CIRCUIT EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY “BON VOYAGE 2014”, Gold NAPB medal - Romania, Calafat, CIRCUIT EXHIBITION OF PHOTOGRAPHY “BON VOYAGE 2014”, Gold ISF medal - Serbia, Novi Sad, «3rd International Salon of Photography FKNS - GRAND PRIX 2014», Silver medal - Bulgaria, Sofia, «9th International Exhibition of Photography" Ecological Truth 2014 - Zajecar », Bronze medal 2015
- India, Chennai, ONE EYELAND PHOTOGRAPHY AWARDS 2014, Amateur Photographer of the Year 2016 - Montenegro, Podgorica, “4TH INTERNATIONAL SALON OF PHOTOGRAPHY “MONTENEGRO-2016”, DPA Gold medal - USA, Los Angeles, “BLACK & WHITE SPIDER AWARDS”, Gold medal
2017 - Russia, Moscow, IPA Russia 2017, 2nd Category Winner in FINE ART, GOLD and BRONZE in FINE ART: Nudes 2018 - "WORLD'S TOP 10 BLACK & WHITE PHOTOGRAPHERS 2018", RANK #7, SILVER in NUDE, SILVER in NUDE, SILVER in NUDE, BRONZE in LANSCAPES, BRONZE in NUDE